Girl students of Vishwakarma Vidyalaya English Medium School on 18th August 2016, celebrated Raksha Bandhan with the Indian Soldiers by tying sacred thread (Rakhis) to the soldiers at Hillock Gangadham Bibwewadi and created a special bond, expressing their gratitude towards Indian Army. The idea behind the whole activity was to care for those soldiers who are on duty and away from their homes, missing their family members, even on festive occasions. Hence the girl students by tying hand made Rakhi to these Jawans not only proved that they care for them, but also that the students, teachers, parents present there was a much bigger family to these soldiers.
The team of Vishwakarma was welcomed by Colonel Sathe . The Jawans shared their rich experiences with the sisters and motivated them to Join Indian Army in future, as well assured them and reciprocated that as long as they are alive, they will protect us from all our enemies during with any natural calamity. The programme was conducted under the able guidance of Hon’ Chairperson Mrs Trupti Agarwal & Director of Vishwakarma School Mr R.C.Betawadkar, in the presence of Principals, teachers, students and parents.